Worship with us on Sunday mornings at 11:00 am
7402 Orange Road, Orange VA 22960
Call 540-446-2720 for more information.
Walker’s Chapel is a Christian congregation in Madison County, Virginia (just north of Orange, VA). We are seeking to grow in grace through the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and desire to be salt and light in our region as we endeavor to advance the Kingdom of God. We are committed to the authority of Scripture, the historic Christian creeds, and the distinctives of the Reformation. We welcome seekers and believers from all Christian traditions or denominational backgrounds.
Read the Bible in a Year Challenge
Many in our church accepted the challenge of reading through the Bible this year. All it takes is about 15 minutes a day. You can either follow a reading plan or just start in Genesis and read for 15 minutes a day until you get to the end of Revelation. Either way, see our recommended resources here.